On August 1st, 2020, the Teacher Self-Care Conference is coming back for a day of self-care focused around the theme, “The Radicalization of Telling the Truth”. In the last three months, teachers have felt an insurmountable amount of stress around not only the COVID-19 pandemic, but the thrust into virtual learning, the idea that teachers should sacrifice their lives and teach in person along with the looming cuts to education has teachers across the United States ready to explode.
It’s during times like this that teachers need to hear the truth from fellow educators. We will start promptly at 9:00 am with a panel conversation around the truth tells of mental health featuring four teachers who have stories to tell that will get your mental health together!
Register now.
Register now.
From there, we go into sessions focused around three strands: teacher mental health, instructional strategies, and teacher burnout. Sessions will go from 10:00 am until 2:30 pm with a closing session!
Closing session: Teachers are tired of having to sacrifice their health, mental health, and financial footing just to teach. Let’s focus on making this year the best one YET!